Thermal insulation of floors stressed by heavy loads.

Extruded polystyrene thermal insulation waterproof boards of smooth surface and “L” edgings designed for prevention of thermal bridges.

Interesantne činjenice

  • Excellent thermal insulation in very humid environment as well as in floors stressed by extreme permanent loads.
  • Thermal insulation of industrial floors stressed by extreme loads.
  • Thermal insulation of passable flat roofs stressed by extreme loads .
  • Thermal insulation of roads as frost prevention.
  • Thermal insulation underneath delicate buildings of civil engineering.
  • Thermal insulation of refrigerator floors.


Thermal conductivity

0,033-0,037 W/mK

Pressure load

500 kPa

Bending strength

30 MPa

Diffusion resistance factor of water vapor resistance



EN 13 164



Overlapping boards production option


Surface of panel

Smooth surface


Euroclass E

Pakiranje i toplinska otpornost

PRODUCTS Thermal resistance Thermal conductivity Pressure load m2/pack
XPS 500 L/5 1,40 m2K/W 0,033 W/mK 300 kPa 6,00
XPS 500 L/6 1,80 m2K/W 0,033 W/mK 300 kPa 5,25
XPS 500 L/8 2,35 m2K/W 0,034 W/mK 300 kPa 3,75
XPS 500 L/10 2,85 m2K/W 0,035 W/mK 300 kPa 3,00
XPS 500 L/12 3,40 m2K/W 0,035 W/mK 300 kPa 2,25
XPS 500 L/14 4,00 m2K/W 0,035 W/mK 300 kPa 2,25
XPS 500 L/16 4,15 m2K/W 0,036 W/mK 300 kPa 1,50
XPS 500 L/18 4,85 m2K/W 0,037 W/mK 300 kPa 1,50
XPS 500 L/20 5,40 m2K/W 0,037 W/mK 300 kPa 1,50

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