What is EPS?

The desire for a pleasant and more rational way of living has resulted in an increased usage of thermal insulation in construction.

Thermal calculation

EPS LASTRO has designed a computer program for calculation of thermal efficiency, which provides and facilitates our clients with a...


Find out the most important answers to questions about thermal insulation of buildings, installation of EPS and material characteristics.


EPS F036

Thermal insulation of facades

λ 0,036 W/mK


Thermal insulation of facades

λ 0,031 W/mK


Thermal insulation of facades

λ 0,030 W/mK


Thermal insulation of facades

λ 0,035 W/mK


Plates for floor heating

λ 0,035 W/mK

EPS 100

Thermal insulation of the floor

λ 0,038 W/mK

Svečano otvoren novi pogon za proizvodnju EPS-a vrijedan  10 mil. KM

Svečano otvoren novi pogon za proizvodnju EPS-a vrijedan  10 mil. KM

Preko 400 tvrtki iz Bosne i Hercegovine i regiona, prisustvovalo je svečanosti povodom otvorenja najmodernijeg pogona za proizvodnju EPS-a koji trenutno postoji na svjetskom trži...

Promo video

Promo video

Novi korporativni film tvrtke EPS LAŠTRO povodom otvaranja novog proizvodnog pogona....

Proizvodnja EPS-a najsuvremenijom tehnologijom

Proizvodnja EPS-a najsuvremenijom tehnologijom

Krajem prošle godine pustili smo u rad najmodernije postrojenje za proizvodnju EPS-a (styropora). Ova najsuvremenija tehnologija nam omogućuje:...

Since 1966

Beginnings and development...

Company EPS LAŠTRO is the largest manufacturer of expanded polystyrene (trade name Styrofoam) in Bosnia and Herzegovina and leader of technological development and innovation in the facade system.

In a short term EPS LAŠTRO has become a leader in the market, focusing on comprehensively educating the market about the importance of thermal insulation, and the application of EPS. Permanent quality control of products in its own laboratory and training of its employees, created the preconditions of trust between customers and us as manufacturers who rapidly classified our product as the best in the market.

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